Daunte wright a young 20yr farther who fatally shot by Minneapolis police veteran of 26 yrs Kim Potter. Whome so snarky decided to use an obvious unbelievable story of accidentally pulling her service weapon rather then her heavily trained to use color coded for dummies taser. Now before an after common sense is initiated mentally here some information that'll assist u. First off daunte was pulled over for traffic stop in the wake of ultraviolet police brutality an excessive force in Minneapolis just down the street from the court house Derek chauvin is on trial for the murda of George Floyd , least I mention Minneapolis police killed Philando Castile 5yrs prior in falcon heights . Still as of the Sunday incident the details an reason of the traffic stop unknown yet the excuse of a warrant has never been uncovered.. leaving the people to analyze b.s as another samantic desensitizing ploy to allude humanity conscious. Brooklyn center mayor Mike Elliott doesn't believe kim’s actions were accidental an her quickness to resign is suspect. Washington county attorney Pete Orput is lookin to prosecute this case. Attorney Earl Grey is representing kim potter. Grey represents Thomas Lane one of the officers who stood bye in the george floyd case aswell an Helped Jeronimo Yanez get an acquittal in the castile's case. In what’s been a blazing protesting uproar will pan out to be a legal game of samantics an lies to outweigh common sense all in the mist of national campaign for asian american protection due to a string of violent acts against their community, however as fair as can be without shifting compassion in another direction not one asian has been killed let alone brutalized by any police as common place as black men in america . To shed light on hypocrisy stand up for justice not perpetuated coverage covering up hate crimes against humanity.
